Opportunities for training for nutritional professionals in nutritional genomics: What is out there?

Jorja Collins, Melissa M. Adamski, Cliona Twohig, Chiara Murgia

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer-review

15 Citations (Scopus)


Aim: To identify and profile training courses available to dietitians and nutritionists in the area of nutritional genomics. Genetic technology is progressing quickly, leading to increased public interest and requests from the public for personalised nutrition advice based on genetic background. Tertiary courses often lack specific curriculum in nutritional genomics, preventing graduates from discussing confidently with their clients the relationships between genetics, nutrition and health. This has increased the demand for professional development in this field. Methods: The search strategy was intended to replicate real-life practice. Google and snowball searches were conducted using terms related to education and nutritional genomics. Results included online or face-to-face courses in any country providing content on nutritional genomics. One-off courses and those courses no longer accessible were excluded. A descriptive analysis of characteristics of courses was undertaken, reporting on mode of delivery, cost, duration, content, qualification awarded, target audience and affiliations. Results: In total, 37 courses varying in duration, content and cost were identified: 4 postgraduate university degrees, 5 university course units, 4 recurring face-to-face workshops, 15 online short courses, 8 pre-recorded presentations and 1 service offering regular live webinars. Affiliations with food and pharmaceutical industry (e.g. genetic testing companies), professional organisations and research/education institutes were observed. Conclusions: Training courses identified were predominantly delivered online, enabling nutrition professionals worldwide to upskill in nutritional genomics and personalised nutrition. Additional courses exist. Those seeking training should scrutinise and compare cost, duration, mode, content and affiliations of course providers to ensure learning needs are met.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)206-218
Number of pages13
JournalNutrition & Dietetics
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2018


  • Education
  • Nutrigenetics/nutrigenomics
  • Nutritional genomics
  • Personalised nutrition
  • Professional competence

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