Oil recovery from Jordan oil shale

Fei Yi, Marc Marshall, W. Roy Jackson, Peter J. Cassidy, Martin Leo Gorbaty, Alan L. Chaffee

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstract


The reactivity of Jordan oil shale (organic content 24.2%, db) was investigated at temperatures in the range 300-425°C, in the presence of varying amounts of water, in varying gas environments (N2, CO, H2) and, in some cases, with additives (catalysts for the water gas shift reaction), but without added organic solvent. This is a relatively reactive oil shale and it was observed that the conversion (to dichloromethane solubles and gas) was high at temperature as low as 355°C. Reaction at higher temperatures resulted mainly in the conversion of asphaltene (hexane insolubles) to oil (hexane solubles) together with an increase in hydrocarbon gas yields and CO2. Higher oil yields are usually obtained in the presence of some water. However, the addition of too much water results in excessive CO2 yields. In H2 gas environment, the amount of added water in less important than in N2 or CO. In CO gas environment, none of the additives examined increased the oil yields, but in some cases did increase asphaltene yields. In H2 gas environment without water, the addition of SnO2 increased oil yields at 300°C. The oil products were always very aliphatic (Har<0.06) and high in S (6-8%).

Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2011
EventACS National Meeting 2011 - Anaheim Marriott, Anaheim, United States of America
Duration: 27 Mar 201131 Mar 2011
Conference number: 241st


ConferenceACS National Meeting 2011
Abbreviated titleACS 2011
Country/TerritoryUnited States of America

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