Nucleosynthesis predictions for intermediate-mass asymptotic giant branch stars: Comparison to observations of type I planetary nebulae

Amanda Irene Karakas, Mark van Raai, Maria Anna Lugaro, Nick C Sterling, Harriet L Dinerstein

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Type I planetary nebulae (PNe) have high He/H and N/O ratios and are thought to be descendants of stars with initial masses of 3-8 M sun. These characteristics indicate that the progenitor stars experienced proton-capture nucleosynthesis at the base of the convective envelope, in addition to the slow neutron capture process operating in the He-shell (the s-process). We compare the predicted abundances of elements up to Sr from models of intermediate-mass asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars to measured abundances in Type I PNe. In particular, we compare predictions and observations for the light trans-iron elements Se and Kr, in order to constrain convective mixing and the s-process in these stars. A partial mixing zone is included in selected models to explore the effect of a 13C pocket on the s-process yields. The solar-metallicity models produce enrichments of [(Se, Kr)/Fe] lsim0.6, consistent with Galactic Type I PNe where the observed enhancements are typically lsim0.3 dex, while lower metallicity models predict larger enrichments of C, N, Se, and Kr. O destruction occurs in the most massive models but it is not efficient enough to account for the gsim0.3 dex O depletions observed in some Type I PNe. It is not possible to reach firm conclusions regarding the neutron source operating in massive AGB stars from Se and Kr abundances in Type I PNe; abundances for more s-process elements may help to distinguish between the two neutron sources. We predict that only the most massive (M gsim 5 M sun) models would evolve into Type I PNe, indicating that extra-mixing processes are active in lower-mass stars (3-4 M sun), if these stars are to evolve into Type I PNe. This paper includes data taken at The McDonald Observatory of The University of Texas at Austin.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1130 - 1144
Number of pages15
JournalThe Astrophysical Journal
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2009

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