Net Zero Nature Positive Australian Companies - The Evolving Regulatory Context

Research output: Book/ReportOther ReportResearch


The net zero and nature positive goals derived from the international Paris Agreement and Global Biodiversity Framework have catalysed a range of regulatory developments which influence the approach that Australian companies take to climate change and biodiversity loss. Companies face increasing regulatory pressure not only to manage the climate and nature-related financial risks posed to their business, but also to address the environmental and social harms to which their business activities contribute, in line with these global goals. This report explores the origins of the global net zero and nature positive goals and the way in which they translate to legal obligations and associated regulatory pressure for Australian companies. It maps five intersecting domains within this regulatory context.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationMelbourne Vic Australia
PublisherMonash University
Number of pages51
Publication statusPublished - 2024

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