My assistive technology outcomes framework: rights-based outcome tools for consumers to ‘measure what matters’

Natasha Layton, L. Callaway, E. Wilson, D. Bell, M. Prain, M. Noonan, A. Volkert, E. Doyle

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


AT outcomes research is the systematic investigation of changes produced by AT in the lives of AT users and their environments. In contrast to focal outcome measures, My Assistive Technology Outcomes Framework (MyATOF) envisions an alternative starting point, co-designing a holistic and evidence-based set of outcome dimensions enabling AT users to quantify their own outcomes. International classification systems, research evidence, regulatory and service delivery frameworks underpin six optional tools: supports, outcomes, costs, rights, service delivery pathway and customer experience. Designed to empower the consumer-as-researcher and self-advocate, MyATOF has the potential to fill an identified gap in policy-relevant, consumer-focussed and consumer-directed outcome measurement in Australia and internationally. This paper presents the need for consumer-focussed measurement and articulates the conceptual foundations of MyATOF. The iterative development and results of MyATOF use-cases collected to date are presented. The paper concludes with next steps in using the Framework internationally, as well as its future development.

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages9
JournalAssistive Technology
Publication statusAccepted/In press - 2023


  • Assistive technology
  • consumer-directed/focussed
  • outcomes
  • self-direction

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