MX2: a high-flux undulator microfocus beamline serving both the chemical and macromolecular crystallography communities at the Australian Synchrotron

David Aragão, Jun Aishima, Hima Cherukuvada, Robert Clarken, Mark Clift, Nathan Philip Cowieson, Daniel Jesper Ericsson, Christine L. Gee, Sofia Macedo, Nathan Mudie, Santosh Panjikar, Jason Roy Price, Alan Riboldi-Tunnicliffe, Robert Rostan, Rachel Williamson, Thomas Tudor Caradoc-Davies

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341 Citations (Scopus)


MX2 is an in-vacuum undulator-based crystallography beamline at the 3 GeV Australian Synchrotron. The beamline delivers hard X-rays in the energy range 4.8–21 keV to a focal spot of 22 × 12 µm FWHM (H × V). At 13 keV the flux at the sample is 3.4 × 1012 photons s−1. The beamline endstation allows robotic handling of cryogenic samples via an updated SSRL SAM robot. This beamline is ideal for weakly diffracting hard-to-crystallize proteins, virus particles, protein assemblies and nucleic acids as well as smaller molecules such as inorganic catalysts and organic drug molecules. The beamline is now mature and has enjoyed a full user program for the last nine years. This paper describes the beamline status, plans for its future and some recent scientific highlights.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)885-891
Number of pages7
JournalJournal of Synchrotron Radiation
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - May 2018


  • anomalous scattering
  • apertures
  • collimators
  • EIGER detector
  • long wavelengths
  • macromolecular crystallography
  • microfocus beamlines
  • remote access
  • undulators

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