Monash Clinical Registries Portfolio 2017

Research output: Book/ReportOther ReportOtherpeer-review


It is my pleasure to introduce the Monash Clinical Registries Portfolio 2017.
Clinical registries are gaining increasing recognition both within Australia and internationally as a valuable tool in quality improvement.
When mature, clinical quality registries monitor key clinical quality indicators and produce benchmarked reports to participating sites that are an effective mechanism of initiating local review and changing clinical practice. In addition, clinical registries provide valuable epidemiological data regarding the natural history and progression of diseases; they are used to answer real-world research questions; they are used to monitor the effect of new pharmaceutical and device treatments over time; and they are starting to be used as platforms on which
to undertake clinical studies and clinical trials.
The clinical and health economic value that clinical registries bring was recognised in the 2016 report, Economic Evaluation of Clinical Quality Registries, published by the Australian Commission for Safety and Quality in Healthcare. This report concluded that clinical quality registries may provide a 2- to 7-fold health economic benefit through both a reduction in complications and improvement in overall health outcomes.
This Portfolio provides an annual update regarding the activities and achievements of our Monash Clinical Registries Program. In late 2016 we took over management of the Australian Cystic Fibrosis Data Registry, and in 2017 we established three new clinical registries – the Australian and New Zealand Thyroid Cancer Registry, the Australian Spine Registry, and the National Gynae-Oncology Registry. All of our growing registries have continued to expand their reach across Australia in public and private settings, due to the enthusiasm
and participation of clinicians, data managers, researchers and health service managers. Without them, our clinical registry program would not be possible.
I would like to thank our committed registry Steering and other Committee members, advisors, academic leads and operational staff, and wider Monash support staff including information technology, statistics, legal advisors, and the ethics team at Alfred Health, our primary HREC for their hard work, patience and expertise. If you would like any further information regarding Monash’s Registry Program or any of the individual clinical registries, please do not hesitate to contact the Registry Science Unit or the individual registry leads.
Best wishes
Professor John McNeil
Head of School
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationMelbourne, Australia
PublisherMonash University
Number of pages56
VolumeReport No 2
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2018


  • clinical quality registries

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