Microstimulation of single human motor axons in the toe extensors: force production during long-lasting trains of irregular and regular stimuli

Michael Leitch, Vaughan G. Macefield

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Human motoneurones are known to discharge with a physiological variability of ~25% during voluntary contractions. Using microstimulation of single human motor axons, we have previously shown that delivering brief trains (10 pulses) of irregular stimuli, which incorporate discharge variability, generates greater contractile responses than trains of regular stimuli with identical mean frequency but zero variability. We tested the hypothesis that longer irregular (physiological) trains would produce greater contractile responses than regular (nonphysiological) trains of the same mean frequency (18 Hz) and duration (45 sec). Tungsten microelectrodes were inserted into the common peroneal nerve of human subjects, and single motor axons supplying the toe extensors (n = 14) were isolated. Irregular trains of stimuli showed greater contractile responses over identical mean frequencies in both fatigue-resistant and fatigable motor units, but because the forces were higher the rate of decline was higher. Nevertheless, forces produced by the irregular trains were significantly higher than those produced by the regular trains. We conclude that discharge irregularity augments force production during long as well as short trains of stimulation.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere13067
Number of pages7
JournalPhysiological Reports
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2017
Externally publishedYes


  • Discharge variability
  • force generation
  • microstimulation
  • single axons

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