Michel Foucault

Research output: Book/ReportBookResearch


Hugely influential, Michel Foucault’s work has not only impacted a diverse range of disciplines—from history and sociology to fine arts, feminism, and gay and lesbian studies—but has also profoundly shaped Western culture at a street level.

Yet until now there has been no overarching systematic approach to his work from a Reformed perspective—let alone one that is as fair and accessible as Watkin’s. After walking us through key elements of Foucault’s thought, Watkin both critiques and answers Foucault through the Bible’s teaching on history, power, and identity. His insights are necessary reading for anyone who wants to engage thoughtfully with the ideas of our culture.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationPhillipsburg NJ USA
PublisherP&R Publishing
Number of pages179
ISBN (Electronic)9781629953496, 9781629953502
ISBN (Print)9781629953849
Publication statusPublished - 2018

Publication series

NameGreat Thinkers
PublisherP&R Publishing


  • Michel Foucault
  • power
  • identity
  • theology

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