Meme'ing & poetic tweetin': exploring early childhood teachers' fears of digital technology use

    Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstract


    The duoethnography extended over the course of two years, where the teacher-educators engaged in autobiography, extensive critical dialogue, and conversation about the discourses that EC teachers, who were enrolled in three literacy/technology university classes, held that impacted their taking up digital technologies and critical stances of media literacy. The duo-ethnographic study illuminates our teacher-educator understandings of EC teachers’ resistance to technology in preschools through autobiographical experiences interrogated via creative metaphoric conversations within Twitter Messages, Laurel Richardson's 'take three words' concept, and Zoom conversations in order to characterize the mindsets of EC teachers. This allowed us to construct multimodal creative responses to our personal histories and stories. Analysis showed 10 personas with themes linked to gender, age, students' resilience or resistance to technological challenges, their perception of childhood, and expectations of self and university. Future studies may explore ways that the characterized EC teachers may allay their fears in utilising media and technology while highlighting the benefit for students learning from pedagogies utilising such technology.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages1
    Publication statusPublished - 26 Jun 2019
    EventNational Association for Media Literacy Education 2019: A Path Forward: Elevating Conversation, Unifying Voices - American University, Washington, United States of America
    Duration: 26 Jun 201928 Jun 2019


    ConferenceNational Association for Media Literacy Education 2019
    Abbreviated titleNAMLE19
    Country/TerritoryUnited States of America
    Internet address


    • Digital technology
    • Early childhood education

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