Medical Student Exposures in General Practice Education and Training (MEGPET): An Overview Poster

Bradley Tate Frew, Catherine Haigh, William Matthew Haigh

Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterpeer-review


Student placements in General Practice form a core part of students learning in the discipline of General Practice. Previously, there has been no mechanism for students to systematically capture the content of student consultations in General Practice. The aim of the MEGPET study is to document longitudinally the nature and associations of consultation-based clinical and educational experiences of students in general practice.

The aim of this project is to analyse collated data pertaining to clinical learning opportunities afforded to Year 4C MBBS students on placement in teaching general practices across rural and metropolitan Victoria and Malaysia. Analysis of the data will permit a description of the scope of clinical experiences in this context e.g., patient demographics and presentations, and an appreciation of the alignment between national data (BEACH) and government health priorities.

This is a multi-site, multinational cohort study of medical student’ consultations in general practice, entailing electronic recording of consultation data. All Year 4 Monash medical students record details of 50 consecutive consultations. The data collected includes details of the consultation, patient demographics, reasons for encounter and problems managed. The problems managed are coded with the International Classification of Primary Care (second edition) classification system. Additionally, students record educational factors related to the encounter and whether they were active in the consultation or observational.

In 2015, with over 500 students completing the elogbook, there is a dataset of 25,000+ consultations. The Poster outlines graphically what areas (by ICPC code) what students were seeing. This data is further broken down graphically by geographic location the students were placed in, highlighting regional differences.

The MEGPET project is providing valuable data on medical student clinical exposures in general practice and great opportunities for further research.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 29 Sept 2016
EventGP16 - Perth Exhibition and Convention Centre, Perth, Australia
Duration: 29 Sept 20162 Oct 2016


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