Measurement of extensional viscosity of polymer solutions

T. Sridhar, V. Tirtaatmadja, D. A. Nguyen, R. K. Gupta

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A filament stretching technique for measuring the extensional viscosity of polymer solutions at constant stretch rate is presented. The liquid sample is held between two coaxial discs and stretched by moving the bottom disc downwards with a speed that increases exponentially with time. This is illustrated using a constant viscosity, elastic fluid consisting of 0.185% polyisobutylene in a solvent of kerosene and polybutene. For the case of this particular fluid, two distinct stretch rate regions are found to arise. The stretch rate in the first region is much higher than in the second, which is, in most cases, close to the overall stretch rate imposed on the sample. Nonetheless, all the results of any given run can be represented using an average extensional rate. The extensional stress growth data, plotted as the Trouton ratio against time, show an initial linear viscoelastic region where TR rises to a value of 3, independent of extensional rate. Beyond this region, TR depends on the stretch rate and rises dramatically to values in excess of 103; the higher the extensional rate, the faster is the increase in TR. These data do not seem to reach a steady state and appear to be similar to polymer melt data obtained by others in the past. The reproducibility of the results is very good and all this suggests that it is now possible to obtain unambiguous constant-stretch-rate stress-growth data for polymer solutions stretched from a state of rest.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)271-280
Number of pages10
JournalJournal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 15 Nov 1991


  • extensional viscosity
  • filament stretching
  • polyisobutylene
  • polymer solutions
  • stress growth

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