Level of consumer involvement and new product development: a conceptual framework for the moderating role of product type

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter (Book)Research


The concept of customer involvement (CI) in new product development (NPD) has shown to have a major effect in the design of new products. CI with a specific product has yielded rewards for manufacturers of both consumer and industrial goods in that CI involvement in NPD produces timely feedback regarding a product’s design.
CI is considered an important characteristic of consumer behavior and is conceptualized as the degree to which customers are engaged in different aspects of the pre-consumption and post consumption process. This level of involvement differs depending on inter alia, the type of product.
We present a conceptual paper aimed at examining the moderating effect that product type has on the relationship between the level of consumer involvement in new product development and its antecedent factors such as the level of perceived risk in the purchase, the importance of the product to the buyer, and the purchase occasion.
We contribute to the extant knowledge of NPD by providing a theoretical framework upon which to empirically validate the relationship among the extant variables in the CI literature.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationTheoretical and Empirical Reflections in Marketing
EditorsNicolas Grigoriou, Cleopatra Veloutsou
Place of PublicationAthens Greece
PublisherAthens Institute for Education and Research
Number of pages10
ISBN (Print)9786185065584
Publication statusPublished - 2014

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