Lamb to Rayleigh wave conversion on superstrates as a means to facilitate disposable acoustomicrofluidic applications

Kiing S. Wong, Lillian Lee, Yew M. Hung, Leslie Y. Yeo, Ming K. Tan

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24 Citations (Scopus)


Rayleigh surface acoustic waves (SAWs) have been demonstrated as a powerful and effective means for driving a wide range of microfluidic actuation processes. Traditionally, SAWs have been generated on piezoelectric substrates, although the cost of the material and the electrode deposition process makes them less amenable as low-cost and disposable components. As such, a "razor-and-blades" model that couples the acoustic energy of the SAW on the piezoelectric substrate through a fluid coupling layer and into a low-cost and, hence, disposable silicon superstrate on which various microfluidic processes can be conducted has been proposed. Nevertheless, it was shown that only bulk vibration in the form of Lamb waves can be excited in the superstrate, which is considerably less efficient and flexible in terms of microfluidic functionality compared to its surface counterpart, that is, the SAW. Here, we reveal an extremely simple way that quite unexpectedly and rather nonintuitively allows SAWs to be generated on the superstrate - by coating the superstrate with a thin gold layer. In addition to verifying the existence of the SAW on the coated superstrate, we carry out finite-difference time domain numerical simulations that not only confirm the experimental observations but also facilitate an understanding of the surprising difference that the coating makes. Finally, we elucidate the various power-dependent particle concentration phenomena that can be carried out in a sessile droplet atop the superstrate and show the possibility for simply carrying out rapid and effective microcentrifugation - a process that is considerably more difficult with Lamb wave excitation on the superstrate.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)12358-12368
Number of pages11
JournalAnalytical Chemistry
Issue number19
Publication statusPublished - 1 Oct 2019

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