Investigating students’ experience of online/distance education with photovoice during COVID-19

Yakup Subasi, Hayati Adalar, Ahmet Tanhan, Gökmen Arslan, Kelly-Ann Allen, Christopher Boyle, Kerrie Lissack, Kim Collett, Fraser Lauchlan

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer-review

6 Citations (Scopus)


This study used online photovoice to study students’ perceptions of online/distance education during the COVID-19 pandemic. It aimed to (a) find the factors that facilitated and impeded online/distance education during the pandemic and (b) determine to which level of ecological systems theory participants attributed facilitators and barriers. We utilized community-based participatory research as the theoretical framework, based on the ecological systems theory. The participants consisted of 119 university students. We used online interpretative phenomenological analysis to analyze the data and found 12 facilitating themes in favor of online education (e.g., technology, 31%; home study comfort, 23%; with family, 17%). In terms of barriers to online education, 14 main themes emerged (e.g., lack of finance, 28%; Internet problems, 22%). Participants attributed facilitators and barriers respectively to the following levels of ecological systems theory: individual/intrapsychic (50%, 51%), microsystem (56%, 58%), exosystem (38%, 43%), and macrosystem (25%, 45%).

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)563-587
Number of pages25
JournalDistance Education
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2023


  • COVID-19
  • ecological systems theory
  • online distance education
  • online interpretative phenomenological analysis (OIPA)
  • online photovoice (OPV)
  • university students

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