Interface formation in copper-steel multilayered sheets under severe shear strain

Anibal de Andrade Mendes Filho, Andrey Molotnikov, Peter D. Hodgson, Rimma Lapovok

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5 Citations (Scopus)


Asymmetric Accumulative Roll Bonding (AARB) is used to manufacture multilayered copper − Interstitial Free − (IF) steel composites with different internal architecture. The influence of extra shear strain provided by the AARB processing on the composite mechanical properties and formation of the internal interfaces zone is investigated. The deformed microstructure and internal interface areas, which is formed by intermixing and diffusion, are analyzed by TEM. Additionally, finite element modeling is performed to compute the strains distribution around the internal interfaces. It is observed that composite tensile strength can increase up to 83% after the AARB processing as a result of a high degree of microstructural refinement, especially in the vicinity of interfaces. Also, it is verified that higher amounts of shear strain and different internal architectures are directly correlated with the microstructure evolution and interface affected zone width.

Original languageEnglish
Article number1900029
Number of pages9
JournalAdvanced Engineering Materials
Issue number7
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2019


  • asymmetric accumulative roll bonding
  • mechanical alloying
  • metallic conductor
  • simulation

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