Implementing the sustainable development goals: a review of strategic tools and frameworks available to organisations

Jarrod Grainger-Brown, Shirin Malekpour

Research output: Contribution to journalReview ArticleResearchpeer-review

101 Citations (Scopus)


The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) provide a bold aspiration for a sustainable, prosperous and equitable future. There is universal agreement that the goals cannot be achieved by 2030 on a business-as-usual trajectory, and that we need new agents of change, such as business, government and civil society. An array of tools and frameworks have recently been developed to support organisations in engaging with the SDGs. However, it is not understood if these tools/frameworks can enable transformative actions. This study used a scoping methodology to review the tools available to organisations for SDG action. These tools were then analysed against a generic model of the 'strategic management' process, in order to determine their usefulness in impacting organisational strategy. It was found that most of the tools are only applicable to 'mapping' and 'reporting' activities, which occur after strategies have been developed and even implemented. A small number of tools were found to align with the early stages of strategic management, that is, 'problem definition' and 'goal setting'. No tools were identified which substantially engaged with actual strategy development, the stage which can shape transformative change. This gap indicates how future research could address organisational strategy, to foster as-of-yet unexplored SDG action.

Original languageEnglish
Article number1381
Number of pages18
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 1 Mar 2019


  • Corporate social responsibility
  • Organisational action
  • Organisational strategy
  • Strategic management
  • Strategic planning
  • Sustainable development goals
  • Transformations

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