Implementation of a leisure reintegration programme for people with acquired brain injury in a community rehabilitation programme: a feasibility study

Serena Alves-Stein, Stacey George, Natasha A. Lannin, Laura Jolliffe

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4 Citations (Scopus)


Background: Participation in leisure activities is significantly impacted following acquired brain injury (ABI). Despite this being a common community rehabilitation goal, re-engagement with leisure activities following ABI is poorly addressed within Australian community rehabilitation services, which often cater to a mixed-diagnostic group of both ABI and non-ABI clients. Objectives: To evaluate the feasibility and effect of a leisure reintegration group programme within a community rehabilitation service. Method: A single-site, pre- and post-test feasibility study was conducted. Three cohorts of a semi-structured leisure group programme were offered, each conducted over eight sessions within 4 weeks. The Nottingham Leisure Questionnaire (NLQ) and Leisure Satisfaction Measure (LSM) were used as primary outcome measures. Measures of acceptability, including adherence, and a post-intervention participant survey were also completed. Results: Of the 14 consenting participants, 9 completed all outcome measures. Mean change score for the NLQ was -3.63 (p = 0.11) and the LSM 4.25 (p = 0.46). The programme was well attended (79%), acceptable for ABI and non-ABI participants and able to be implemented within an existing community rehabilitation service. Conclusion: Providing a leisure reintegration group programme met an identified need, developed client and carer capacity and could be delivered within a community rehabilitation service for clients with mixed diagnoses including ABI. A larger trial is warranted to examine the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of this intervention for people with ABI.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)508-520
Number of pages13
JournalBrain Impairment
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 30 Dec 2023


  • brain injury
  • community integration
  • leisure
  • occupational therapy
  • Rehabilitation

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