Imbalanced basal ganglia connectivity is associated with motor deficits and apathy in Huntington's disease

Akshay Nair, Adeel Razi, Sarah Gregory, Robb B. Rutledge, Geraint Rees, Sarah J. Tabrizi

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The gating of movement depends on activity within the cortico-striato-thalamic loops. Within these loops, emerging from the cells of the striatum, run two opponent pathways-the direct and indirect basal ganglia pathways. Both are complex and polysynaptic, but the overall effect of activity within these pathways is thought to encourage and inhibit movement, respectively. In Huntington's disease, the preferential early loss of striatal neurons forming the indirect pathway is thought to lead to disinhibition, giving rise to the characteristic motor features of the condition. But early Huntington's disease is also associated with apathy, a loss of motivation and failure to engage in goal-directed movement. We hypothesized that in Huntington's disease, motor signs and apathy may be selectively correlated with indirect and direct pathway dysfunction, respectively. We used spectral dynamic casual modelling of resting-state functional MRI data to model effective connectivity in a model of these cortico-striatal pathways. We tested both of these hypotheses in vivo for the first time in a large cohort of patients with prodromal Huntington's disease. Using an advanced approach at the group level we combined parametric empirical Bayes and Bayesian model reduction procedures to generate a large number of competing models and compare them using Bayesian model comparison. With this automated Bayesian approach, associations between clinical measures and connectivity parameters emerge de novo from the data. We found very strong evidence (posterior probability > 0.99) to support both of our hypotheses. First, more severe motor signs in Huntington's disease were associated with altered connectivity in the indirect pathway components of our model and, by comparison, loss of goal-direct behaviour or apathy, was associated with changes in the direct pathway component. The empirical evidence we provide here demonstrates that imbalanced basal ganglia connectivity may play an important role in the pathogenesis of some of commonest and disabling features of Huntington's disease and may have important implications for therapeutics.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)991-1000
Number of pages10
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 29 Apr 2022

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