Identification and diversity of the fruticose lichen Usnea in Kalinga, Luzon Island, Philippines

Mark Gabriel M. Galinato, C. B. Mangubat, D. S. Leonor, G. R.C. Cababa, B. P.S. Cipriano, K. A.A. Santiago

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7 Citations (Scopus)


The mountains of Kalinga are home to countless unprecedented organisms. Its cool temperature and high elevation provide the perfect niche for such organisms to survive and these include the lichens. Kalinga harbors a wide variety of lichens stretching from crustose, foliose and fruticose types. Interestingly, the genus Usnea is one of the most commonly found fruticose lichens in the northern part of the Philippines. However, these organisms remain neglected and hence limited studies have been document. In fact, not a single species of Usnea has been recorded in the province of Kalinga. In this study, 289 Usnea samples were collected from four out of eight municipalities of Kalinga. Following published identification keys, 25 species were identified using the conventional morphological characterization and thalline spot test. Furthermore, the diversity of Usnea in the province was also determined through the use of biodiversity indices (i.e., Shannon-Weiner index & Pielou's index) accounting for the diversity, evenness and dominance of species. In this study, the municipality of Pasil shelters the most diverse Usnea species (H = 2.696), while Balbalan has the highest species evenness (e = 0.920).

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)249-257
Number of pages9
JournalCurrent Research in Environmental and Applied Mycology
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 24 Oct 2017


  • Distribution
  • Diversity index- fungal diversity
  • Lichen taxonomy

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