HRM and workplace innovations: formulating research questions

Greg J. Bamber, Timothy Bartram, Pauline Stanton

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleOtherpeer-review

52 Citations (Scopus)


Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to review the roles of human resource management (HRM) specialists in the contemplation and implementation of innovation in employing organisations and workplaces. Design/methodology/approach: The authors review some of the literature and practice in this field as well as 11 other articles that are included in this special issue. Findings: The authors propose six research questions. First, are HRM specialists analysing relevant trends and their implications for the future of work and the workforce? Second, are HRM specialists enabling employing organisations to identify and enable innovative ideas? Third, to what extent are HRM specialists leading partnership arrangements with organised labour? Fourth, what is the role of HRM specialists in creating inclusive work environments? Fifth, how should HRM specialists change to foster enterprise performance, intrapreneurship, agility, creativity and innovation? Sixth, to what extent is there an HRM function for line managers in coordination with HRM specialists in engendering innovation around “change agent” roles? Originality/value: The authors argue that HRM specialists should embrace and enable innovation. The authors challenge HRM specialists to consider how they can contribute to facilitating innovation. The paper proposes further research on HRM and range of associated stakeholders who, together, have responsibility for innovating in the design and delivery of HRM to enrich our knowledge of HRM and workplace innovations.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1216-1227
Number of pages12
JournalPersonnel Review
Issue number7
Publication statusPublished - 2017


  • Change agents
  • Corporate social responsibility
  • Creativity
  • Disabilities
  • Enterprise performance
  • HRM skills
  • Human resource management practices
  • Inclusive work environments
  • Industrial relations
  • Mixed methodologies
  • Unions
  • Workplace change

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