How Tactile Afferents in the Human Fingerpad Encode Tangential Torques Associated with Manipulation: Are Monkeys Better than Us?

Alastair J. Loutit, Heather E. Wheat, Heba Khamis, Richard M. Vickery, Vaughan G. Macefield, Ingvars Birznieks

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2 Citations (Scopus)


Dexterous object manipulation depends critically on information about forces normal and tangential to the fingerpads, and also on torque associated with object orientation at grip surfaces. We investigated how torque information is encoded by human tactile afferents in the fingerpads and compared them to 97 afferents recorded in monkeys (n=3; 2 females) in our previous study. Human data included slowly-adapting Type-II (SA-II) afferents, which are absent in the glabrous skin of monkeys. Torques of different magnitudes (3.5-7.5 mNm) were applied in clockwise and anticlockwise directions to a standard central site on the fingerpads of 34 human subjects (19 females). Torques were superimposed on a 2, 3, or 4 N background normal force. Unitary recordings were made from fast-adapting Type-I (FA-I, n=39), and slowly-adapting Type-I (SA-I, n=31) and Type-II (SA-II, n=13) afferents supplying the fingerpads via microelectrodes inserted into the median nerve. All three afferent types encoded torque magnitude and direction, with torque sensitivity being higher with smaller normal forces. SA-I afferent responses to static torque were inferior to dynamic stimuli in humans, while in monkeys the opposite was true. In humans this might be compensated by the addition of sustained SA-II afferent input, and their capacity to increase or decrease firing rates with direction of rotation. We conclude that the discrimination capacity of individual afferents of each type was inferior in humans than monkeys which could be because of differences in fingertip tissue compliance and skin friction.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)4033-4046
Number of pages14
JournalThe Journal of Neuroscience
Issue number22
Publication statusPublished - 31 May 2023


  • microneurography
  • neural coding
  • SA2
  • tactile afferent
  • torque
  • touch

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