HLA class I-mediated HIV-1 control in Vietnamese infected with HIV-1 subtype A/E

Takayuki Chikata, Giang Van Tran, Hayato Murakoshi, Tomohiro Akahoshi, Ying Qi, Vivek Naranbhai, Nozomi Kuse, Yoshiko Tamura, Madoka Koyanagi, Sachiko Sakai, Dung Hoai Nguyen, Dung Thi Nguyen, Ha Thu Nguyen, Trung Vu Nguyen, Shinichi Oka, Maureen P. Martin, Mary Carrington, Keiko Sakai, Kinh Van Nguyen, Masafumi Takiguchi

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17 Citations (Scopus)


HIV-1-specific cytotoxic T cells (CTLs) play an important role in the control of HIV-1 subtype B or C infection. However, the role of CTLs in HIV-1 subtype A/E infection still remains unclear. Here we investigated the association of HLA class I alleles with clinical outcomes in treatment-naive Vietnamese infected with subtype A/E virus. We found that HLA-C*12:02 was significantly associated with lower plasma viral loads (pVL) and higher CD4 counts and that the HLA-A*29:01-B*07:05-C*15:05 haplotype was significantly associated with higher pVL and lower CD4 counts than those for individuals without these respective genotypes. Nine Pol and three Nef mutations were associated with at least one HLA allele in the HLA-A*29:01-B*07:05- C*15:05 haplotype, with a strong negative correlation between the number of HLAassociated Pol mutations and CD4 count as well as a positive correlation with pVL for individuals with these HLA alleles. The results suggest that the accumulation of mutations selected by CTLs restricted by these HLA alleles affects HIV control.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere01749-17
Number of pages11
JournalJournal of Virology
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2018
Externally publishedYes


  • Clinical outcome
  • Deleterious allele
  • HIV-1
  • HLA class I
  • HLA-associated mutation
  • Protective allele
  • Subtype A/E
  • Vietnam

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