High resolution FTIR spectroscopic study of the v4 band of CH3CHF2 enclosed in a flow of cold N2 gas

Dominique R.T. Appadoo, Evan G. Robertson, Don McNaughton

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An enclosive flow cooling (EFC) cell has been constructed, and coupled to a Brüker IFS 120HR high resolution Fourier transform spectrometer to record rotationally cold absorption spectra of gases of atmospheric interest at high spectral resolution. The new system has been characterized using N2O, revealing that rotational temperatures as cold as 110K are readily attainable using liquid nitrogen as a cryogen. Infrared spectra of the v4 band of 1,1-difluoroethane (R152a), CH3CHF2, cooled in the EFC cell have been measured at a resolution of 0.0019 cm-1. Eight hundred and twenty rovibrational transitions of the weak v4 band with 2≤ J′ ≤46 and K′c ≤ 16 were assigned and fitted to Watson's A-reduced Hamiltonian. The v4CH3 symmetric deformation (alc-type) was found to be coupled to the v13 asymmetric deformation (b-type) via an a-axis Coriolis interaction. In the ensuing analysis, values of spectroscopic constants were obtained for both the v4 and dark v13 states. Supporting ab initio calculations up to the MP2/TZV+(3df.3p) level are presented.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)96-104
Number of pages9
JournalJournal of Molecular Spectroscopy
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2003

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