High fat diet is not associated with stimulation of colorectal cancer liver metastases

Jurstine Daruwalla, Andrew Hadj, Shu Wen Wen, Theodora Fifis, Eunice Yang, Linh Nguyen, Christopher Christophi, Mehrdad Nikfarjam

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Background: A high fat diet induces fatty infiltration of visceral organs and has been associated with the development of some cancers and may influence the progression and spread of cancer.The impact of high fat diet on the growth and development colorectal liver metastases is uncertain.
Methodology: Liver metastases were induced in CBA mice using a murine derived colon cancer cell line by intrasplenic injection. Mice were fed either a high fat (60% fat content) (n = 20) or low fat diet (5% fat content) (n = 20) for 6 weeks prior tumor induction and maintained on the same diet thereafter. Tumor volume and patterns of spread were assessed at day 21 post induction. Tumor necrosis, apoptosis and proliferation were assessed using immunohistochemistry.
Results: No difference in liver metastases, tumor necrosis or apoptosis was observed between the two groups. There was a trend towards increased tumor proliferation in the high fat diet group.
Conclusions: A high fat diet alone did not induce tumor stimulation and progression of colorectal liver metastases. Several studies have alluded to the deregulation of catabolic cytokines present in malignancy in the obese state and this may explain the negligible effects of a high fat diet.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)30 - 38
Number of pages9
JournalWorld Journal of Surgical Research
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 2014
Externally publishedYes

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