Hazelwood Health Study Adult Survey: Volume 2 The relationship between Hazelwood mine fire smoke exposure and health outcomes

Jillian Blackman, Matthew Carroll, Caroline Gao, Anthony Del Monaco, David Brown, Yuming Guo, Darryl Maybery, Malcolm Sim, Christina Dimitriadis, Sharon Harrison, Amanda Johnson, Tim Campbell, Danny Liew, Susan Denny, Tom O'Dwyer, Judi Walker, Michael Abramson

Research output: Book/ReportOther ReportResearch


This report comprises Volume 2 of the Hazelwood Health Study Adult Survey findings, which aimed to assess whether people who were heavily exposed to emissions from the Hazelwood mine fire in February 2014, compared with otherwise similar people who were less or minimally exposed to emissions from the fire, currently have cardiovascular, respiratory or psychological symptoms or conditions.
The Adult Survey recruited 3,096 people in Morwell (34% of those eligible) and 960 (23%) in Sale approximately 2.5 years after the mine fire event. Participants provided self-reported health and demographic data via an interviewer-administered, or self-administered, survey.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationMelbourne
PublisherHazelwood Health Study
Commissioning bodyDepartment of Health (DH) (Victoria)
Number of pages44
Publication statusPublished - 22 Nov 2018


  • Hazelwood mine fire
  • Environmental impact
  • Health

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