Girls and Catholic education

Anne Keary, Kirsten Hutchison

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter (Book)Researchpeer-review


    The focus of this chapter is on how three generations of Catholic mothers and daughters think back on their Catholic education. Insights are gleaned into the expectations that mothers have of Catholic education for their daughters, how mothers and daughters understand their experiences of schooling, and in what way dis/connections between the values espoused at school and in the home shape women’s lives and interpersonal relationships. Case histories of five family groups are analysed according to their perceptions of shifting values, morals and ethics in education between the 1920s and early twenty-first century. What is shared across these family groupings is that all three generations were educated at Catholic schools. Social, religious and historical demarcation lines are re/drawn within, and between, the various educational journeys these women experienced. It is argued that relationships with religion are not fixed, rather these women continue to make choices in relation to the spiritual ideals, principles and ethics derived from their Catholic education.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationEducation, Work and Catholic Life
    Subtitle of host publicationStories of Three Generations of Australian Mothers and Daughters
    EditorsAnne Keary
    Place of PublicationSingapore Singapore
    Number of pages16
    ISBN (Electronic)9789811389894
    ISBN (Print)9789811389887
    Publication statusPublished - 2020


    • qualitative longitudinal research
    • Australian Mother-daughter Relationship
    • Inter-generational Relationships
    • Generation and Change
    • Girls' Education in Australia
    • Women's Life Trajectories in Australia
    • Australian Female Youth Transitions
    • Australian Women's Study and Work Transitions
    • Catholic Schooling in Australia
    • Multi-methodological Approach to Research
    • continuity and change
    • primary educatiion
    • secondary education
    • religious education
    • women's studies

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