Gender difference in reminiscence bump: a pilot study in Bangladesh

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A group of senior Bangladeshi participants recalled and dated memories of personal events from across the lifespan. The purpose was to see if the period of reminiscence bump (i.e., enhanced accessibility of autobiographical memories from the age 10-30 years) varies among female and male participants. To realize the point, memories were subsequently plotted in terms of participants' age at time of encoding. In line of our expectation, the period of reminiscence bump for male participants was more extended (covered the 2nd and the 3rd decade of life) than their female counterparts (only the 2nd decade of life). The gender difference in reminiscence period was explained in terms of the development of adulthood and peoples' personal identity, which was reported influenced by the cultural beliefs and social expectations prevailing in a particular society.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)51-66
Number of pages16
JournalDhaka University Journal of Psychology
Publication statusPublished - 2002
Externally publishedYes


  • Autobiographical memory
  • Reminiscence bump
  • Gender

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