Gender, Crime and Criminal Justice

Kate Esther Fitz-Gibbon, Sandra Lyn Walklate

Research output: Book/ReportBookResearchpeer-review

2 Citations (Scopus)


This book examines the relationship between gender and crime and explores both the gendered nature of crime alongside the gendered nature of criminal victimisation. Covering theory, policy and practice, this new edition has been fully revised to reflect the wider changes, development and influence of gendered thinking in these areas.

MIt brings together a range of key issues, including: ߦTheories and concepts in feminist criminology, ߦGender and victimisation, ߦSexual and domestic violence, ߦMale dominance in the criminal justice system, ߦGendered perspectives in law and criminal justice policy.

New to the third edition is increased coverage of gender and crime in international perspective, particularly within the global south, and emerging concepts of risk and security. This is essential reading for advanced courses on gender and crime, women and crime, and feminist criminology.

Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationAbingdon Oxon UK
Number of pages222
ISBN (Electronic)9781315621906
ISBN (Print)9781138656376, 9781138656369
Publication statusPublished - 2018


  • gender
  • crime
  • criminology
  • criminal justice
  • feminism
  • masculinity
  • gendered violence

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