Gamma-Tocotrienol inhibits proliferation of human chronic myeloid leukemic cells via activation of extrinsic and intrinsic apoptotic pathways

Ng KL, Radhakrishnan AK, Selvaduray KR

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Tocotrienols and tocopherols are natural forms of vitamin E that existin four isoforms (alpha, beta, gamma and delta). Gamma-tocotrienolisreported to possess many anti-cancer effects including anti-proliferativeand pro-apoptotic activities. To date, the effects of treating K562, ahuman chronic myeloid leukemic cell line with gamma-tocotrienolis notwell documented. The anti-cancer and pro-apoptotic effects of gammatocotrienol on the K562 cells were evaluated using cell-based assays. Theeffect of gamma-tocotrienol exposure of the expression of genes relatedto apoptosis was determined using a commercial quantitative real-timepolymerase chain reaction array annotated with primers related tohuman apoptosis. The expression of some of the differentially expressedgenes and proteins were confirmed using quantitative polymerasechain reaction technology and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay,respectively. Treatment with gamma-tocotrienol induced effectivecytotoxicity in the K562 cells mainly via the apoptosis pathway. Geneexpression studies using the quantitative polymerase chain reactionarray approach showed that gamma-tocotrienol induced expression ofseveral pro-apoptotic genes related to the BCL-2, the death receptorand the Caspase families in the K562 CML cells. Gamma-tocotrienol isa potent inducer of apoptosis in K562 chronic myeloid leukemic cellsvia the intrinsic and extrinsic apoptotic pathways. It has the potentialof being developed as a therapeutic agent for chronic myeloid leukemia.Further studies using experimental models or clinical studies arewarranted to support these findings.  
Original languageEnglish
Article number7000102
Number of pages11
JournalJournal of Blood Disorders and Therapy
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2016
Externally publishedYes

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