Fluid-rock interaction during low-pressure polymetamorphism of the Reynolds Range Group, central Australia

Ian S. Buick, Ian Cartwright

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Marbles and metapelites from the Reynolds Range Group (central Australia) were regionally metamorphosed at low pressure during M2 at ∼1·6 Ga. M2 ranged in grade from greenschist to granulite facies along the length of the Reynolds Range, and overprinted ∼1·78 Ga granites and their contact aureoles in the Reynolds Range Group metasediments. At all M2 grades the marbles and metapelites have highly variable oxygen isotope ratios [marbles: δ18O(carb) ∼14-20‰; metapelites: δ18O ∼ 6-14‰]. Similarly, ∼ 1·78 Ga granites have highly variable oxygen isotope ratios (δ18O ∼ 5-13‰), with the lowest values occurring at the granite margins. In all rock types, the lowest oxygen isotope values are consistent with the infiltration of channelled magmatic and/or meteoric fluids. The variable lowering of oxygen isotope values resulted from pre-M2 contact metamorphism and fluid-rock interaction around the ∼1·78 Ga granites. In contrast, mineral assemblages in the marbles define a trend of increasing XCO2 with increasing grade from <0·05 (greenschist fades ) to ∼0·7-1·0 (granulite facies). This, together with the lack of regionally systematic resetting of oxygen isotope ratios, implies that there was little fluid-rock interaction during prograde regional metamorphism.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1097-1124
Number of pages28
JournalJournal of Petrology
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 1996


  • Fluids
  • Low pressure
  • Petrology
  • Polymetamorphism
  • Stable isotopes

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