Flexible Growth Scenarios in Melbourne: Impacts and opportunities of diversified dwelling supply

Lee-Anne Khor, Rutger Pasman

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstract


In recent decades, Melbourne’s real population growth outstripped statistical projections, while land-value development models produced uneven distributions of housing supply and dwelling types. Despite adverse social and environmental impacts, pressure for new affordable supply saw the status quo largely maintained; large-scale, high-density development in inner areas, low-density expansion on the urban fringe and uncoordinated small-scale infill across established suburbs.

Today, COVID-19 has stopped Melbourne’s growth in its tracks, casting uncertainty over the viability and timing of future housing delivery. The cost and complexity of large-scale development (inner or fringe) is particularly susceptible, pointing to the potential advantages of smaller-scale, more flexible infill.

This paper presents a series of speculative growth scenarios in Melbourne that premise medium-density design models in response to short- and long-term housing needs. The outcomes visualise alternative settlement patterns and indicate potential policy formation for enhancing the quality, sustainability and equity of Melbourne’s suburbs.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages4
Publication statusPublished - 2021
Event10th State of Australian Cities National Conference - Melbourne, Australia
Duration: 1 Dec 20213 Dec 2021


Conference10th State of Australian Cities National Conference
Internet address

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