Extracting quantum dynamical resources: consumption of non-Markovianity for noise reduction

Graeme D. Berk, Simon Milz, Felix A. Pollock, Kavan Modi

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6 Citations (Scopus)


A great many efforts are dedicated to developing noise reduction and mitigation methods. One remarkable achievement in this direction is dynamical decoupling (DD), although its applicability remains limited because fast control is required. Using resource theoretic tools, we show that non-Markovianity is a resource for noise reduction, raising the possibility that it can be leveraged for noise reduction where traditional DD methods fail. We propose a non-Markovian optimisation technique for finding DD pulses. Using a prototypical noise model, we numerically demonstrate that our optimisation-based methods are capable of drastically improving the exploitation of temporal correlations, extending the timescales at which noise suppression is viable by at least two orders of magnitude, compared to traditional DD which does not use any knowledge of the non-Markovian environment. Importantly, the corresponding tools are built on operational grounds and can be easily implemented to reduce noise in the current generation of quantum devices.

Original languageEnglish
Article number104
Number of pages13
Journalnpj Quantum Information
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2023

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