Exploring what influences physiotherapists’ capability, opportunity and motivation to integrate new evidence into routine clinical care using the Balance Intensity Scale

Hannah L. Ross, Sarah C. Milne, Abby M. Foster, Elizabeth Dalla Santa, Karyn Grehan, Melanie K. Farlie (Leading Author)

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer-review


Purpose: To explore influences on the capability, opportunity and motivation of physiotherapists integrating new evidence into routine care. Materials and Methods: Mixed-methods study utilising the Theoretical Domains Framework and Capability-Opportunity-Motivation-Behaviour model. Metropolitan inpatient rehabilitation physiotherapists participated by integrating the Balance Intensity Scale into routine care for 6 weeks. Evidence integration was supported by a tailored theory-informed approach. Participants completed pre- and post-evidence integration surveys and a post-evidence integration focus group. Results: Pre- and post-surveys were completed by 24 and 12 participants, respectively. One focus group (n = 7) was conducted. Framework analysis identified themes in Capability (n = 4), Opportunity (n = 4) and Motivation (n = 5) domains influencing behaviour when implementing new evidence. The evidence integration process enhanced participants’ Knowledge (p = 0.04), Skills (p = 0.003) and Belief in capabilities (p = 0.03) when prescribing and measuring balance exercises. Conclusions: This study identified perceived barriers and enablers to evidence integration of a new outcome measure into routine care. It highlights strategies that may support physiotherapy teams in incorporating new evidence into routine care. These strategies include education on the evidence being implemented, physical resources, change champions to facilitate social support, management endorsement, and recognition of the time and effort required for evidence integration in the short term.

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages14
JournalDisability and Rehabilitation
Publication statusAccepted/In press - 2024


  • balance
  • barriers and enablers
  • Behavioural change
  • evidence-based practice
  • outcome measure
  • physiotherapy
  • theoretical domains framework

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