Exploring the role of a food policy coalition in bringing about food systems change

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review


Introduction/background/issues: Inter-sectorial food policy coalitions have been increasingly promoted as a strategy to address food system issues in Victoria, despite limited evidence to support their effectiveness. This study sought to evaluate a regional coalition by exploring its membership, functions and ability to influence food system change.
Methods: A qualitative case study approach was undertaken. Three sources were used to triangulate data: observation at coalition meetings; document analysis; and in-depth interviews with coalition members. Data was analysed using a thematic and constant comparison approach. Community Coalition Action Theory provided the theoretical framework from which to interpret findings.
Results/discussions: Leadership of the coalition together with its structure, membership synergy, strategies and policy outcomes were identified as key themes. Membership largely consisted of local government, health and agriculture sector representatives which were perceived as an effective mix of skills. Members valued the opportunity to pool knowledge and resources, with greatest synergy occurring when working on specific tasks. These included developing a catchment-wide online food map, preparing submissions for strategic plans and successfully influencing local government policy (edible street plantings). Members felt that the coalition functioned best with a small core group, without broadening its scope too widely.
Conclusions/implications: This case study demonstrates that with a sound structure and task focus, a food policy coalition may be an effective mechanism for bringing about food system change.
Key message: This research adds to the limited existing evidence of how a food policy coalition can operate and function in the Australian context.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 8 Sept 2015
EventPopulation Health Congress 2015 - Hotel Grand Chancellor, Hobart, Australia
Duration: 6 Sept 20159 Sept 2015
Conference number: 3rd


ConferencePopulation Health Congress 2015

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