Exercise training enhances white adipose tissue metabolism in rats selectively bred for low- or high-endurance running capacity

Erin J Stephenson, Sarah J Lessard, Donato A Rivas, Matthew James Watt, Ben B Yaspelkis III, Lauren G Koch, Steven L Britton, John A Hawley

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Impaired visceral white adipose tissue (WAT) metabolism has been implicated in the pathogenesis of several lifestyle-related disease states, with diminished expression of several WAT mitochondrial genes reported in both insulin resistant humans and rodents. We have used a rat model selectively bred for low-(LCR) or high-(HCR) intrinsic running capacity that simultaneously present with divergent metabolic phenotypes, to test the hypothesis that oxidative enzyme expression is reduced in epididymal WAT from LCR animals. Based on this assumption, we further hypothesized that short-term exercise training (6 wk treadmill running) would ameliorate this deficit. 22 wk old rats (generation 22) were studied. In untrained rats, the abundance of mitochondrial respiratory complexes I-V, citrate synthase (CS) and PGC-1 was similar for both phenotypes, although CS activity was upward arrow50 in HCR (P=0.09). Exercise training increased CS activity in both phenotypes but did not alter mitochondrial protein content. Training increased the expression and phosphorylation of proteins with roles in beta-adrenergic signaling, including beta3-adrenergic receptor ( upward arrow16 LCR; P
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)429 - 438
Number of pages10
JournalAmerican Journal of Physiology - Endocrinology and Metabolism
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2013

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