Examining knowledge translation in blood donor research: A review of vasovagal reaction literature

Amanda Thijsen, Barbara Masser, Tanya E. Davison, Sarah P. Kruse, Anna Williamson

Research output: Contribution to journalReview ArticleResearchpeer-review

3 Citations (Scopus)


Background: Knowledge translation focuses on the transfer of research findings into policy and practice. To provide insight into the state of knowledge translation in blood donor research, we undertook a rapid review of a key research area in the field with high potential for translation, vasovagal reactions (VVRs). We examined the number and nature of VVR-related studies to determine the availability of research evidence, and mapped the included articles along the research-to-practice trajectory using the Knowledge to Action framework. Study Design and Methods: PubMed, PsycINFO, CINAHL, and EMBASE were searched for peer-reviewed journal articles from inception to October 2019 using the terms blood don* AND vasovagal OR faint* OR syncope. Results: A total of 176 articles met our inclusion criteria. Studies relating to VVRs increased substantially from 1942 to 2019, with 84% published in the last 20 years. Articles were predominately observation (non-intervention) studies (117; 66%), followed by intervention (knowledge inquiry) studies (31; 18%) and review (knowledge synthesis) studies (20; 11%). The evidence from intervention research was limited, with 14 strategies tested in 31 studies and often by the same research groups. Only 5 (3%) implementation and evaluation studies were found; all focused on evaluating the effects of a newly introduced intervention on VVR rates through uncontrolled or cross-sectional study designs. Discussion: VVR research is in the early stages of knowledge translation. More intervention research is needed to provide a robust evidence base as well as more published implementation research to share knowledge of translating research into policy and practice.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1772-1779
Number of pages8
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - 2021
Externally publishedYes


  • blood donation
  • knowledge to action framework
  • knowledge translation
  • rapid review
  • vasovagal reaction

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