Evaluation of quality of life outcomes for TAC and WorkSafe claimants with severe traumatic brain injury living in shared supported accommodation

Elizabeth Callaway, Dianne Fay Winkler, Susan Mary Sloan, Sophie Anne Moore, Malcolm Hopwood, Robyn Tate

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned ReportResearch


To date there have been few studies that have examined the experience and outcomes of people with TBI who live in SSA. Each year in Victoria, 12-15 people sustain a catastrophic ISCRR Research Report NGE-M-12-040 Page 6 of 14 brain injury in a transport accident, whilst approximately 8-10 sustain workplace-related catastrophic injury. Both of these groups require long term paid support to live in the community. Currently in Victoria, there more than 170 people in receipt of compensation from TAC or WorkSafe who lived in SSA funded by the Schemes.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationAustralia
PublisherInstitute for Safety, Compensation and Recovery Research
Number of pages14
Publication statusPublished - 2013

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