Environmental learning: how BC teachers find and use resources

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer-review


Environmental educators draw from a variety of sources to guide their practice, from local organizations and venues, to print and online resources. This article examines how teachers find and use resources to inform their teaching practice. It draws from key findings from research exploring the practices of BC teachers and how they used a specific suite of resources that were developed to support the implementation of environmental education (Cirkony, 2012). These resources include the Environmental Learning and Experience (ELE) Interdisciplinary Guide, Curriculum Maps, and Videos. The results demonstrated that most teachers were aware of the ELE resources, with just over half using them. Those who used the resources did so to design lesson plans, apply an interdisciplinary approach to their teaching, and justify their practice. Of the three resources, teachers found the Interdisciplinary Guide the most helpful to their teaching practice. The findings are of interest to those who are looking to implement environmental learning in their teaching practice, or to develop related resources and professional development for teachers.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages20
Publication statusPublished - 2015
Externally publishedYes

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