Effects of MgO-based expansive agent on the characteristics of expansive concrete

Abir Mahmood, A. B.M.Amrul Kaish, Nor Farhana Binti Ab Gulam, Sudharshan N. Raman, Maslina Jamil, Roszilah Hamid

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference PaperOther

4 Citations (Scopus)


Expansive concrete are used to reduce cracking caused by drying shrinkage in concrete structures such as slabs, beams, columns, and pavement constructions. Although CaO and Sulphoaluminate based expansive agents have been used for decades, MgO-based expansive agents have demonstrated superior performance since 1970, especially for concrete dam structures. It has been proven that compensating shrinkage with MgO expansion efficiently prevents thermal cracking of mass concrete, reduces the expense of temperature control systems, and speeds up the construction process. This paper reviews several parameters such as reactivity, thickness of water film, curing condition, additive ratio, and calcination condition that affects expansibility, strength, soundness, durability, flowability, pore structures, crystal size, and hydration activity. The review indicates that the expansion characteristics of MgO may be designed flexibly by altering the calcination conditions (calcining temperature and residence time), maintaining a certain curing temperature, and tweaking its microstructure.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationThe 2nd International Electronic Conference on Applied Sciences
PublisherMDPI AG
Number of pages6
Publication statusPublished - 2021
EventInternational Electronic Conference on Applied Sciences 2021 - online
Duration: 15 Oct 202131 Oct 2021
Conference number: 2nd

Publication series

NameEngineering Proceedings
PublisherMDPI AG
ISSN (Print)2673-4591


ConferenceInternational Electronic Conference on Applied Sciences 2021
Abbreviated titleASEC 2021
Internet address


  • calcining temperature
  • curing conditions
  • expansive agent
  • MgO-based expansive agent

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