Education and training, career aspirations: ‘That’s what I remember’

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter (Book)Researchpeer-review


    This chapter examines trends in education and training through both individual and collective narratives of how three generations of women mediate and manage the transition to, and between, study and work. Testimonies are located within wider trends, historical contexts with sociological implications being drawn. The women’s testimonies, in the main, echo wider national trends while providing more nuanced accounts of continuity and change across, and between, generations. Early school leaving was more common for the older generations. Changes in the labour market during the twentieth century and how they impacted on school transitions are discussed. During the later twentieth century, the younger generation of women is generally more highly educated with many participating in post-school study and training. In addition, this third generation is beginning to embark on less traditionally gendered careers. For some, pathways changed across generations as new areas of study, training and work were pursued. Yet, enduring themes also emerged in relation to post school options across some mother–daughter groupings.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationEducation, Work and Catholic Life
    Subtitle of host publicationStories of Three Generations of Australian Mothers and Daughters
    EditorsAnne Keary
    Place of PublicationSingapore Singapore
    Number of pages20
    ISBN (Electronic)9789811389894
    ISBN (Print)9789811389887
    Publication statusPublished - 2020


    • Qualitative Longitudinal Research
    • Australian Mother-daughter Relationship
    • Inter-generational Relationships
    • Generation and Change
    • Girls' Education in Australia
    • Women's Life Trajectories in Australia
    • Australian Female Youth Transitions
    • Australian Women's Study and Work Transitions
    • Catholic Schooling in Australia
    • Multi-methodological Approach to Research
    • education and training
    • career aspirations
    • transition to study and work
    • intergenerational
    • continuity and change
    • post school options

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