Domestic and family violence perpetrator screening and risk assessment in Queensland: current practice and future opportunities

Silke Meyer, Nicola Helps, Kate Fitz-Gibbon

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer-review


Following substantial domestic and family violence (DFV) reforms in Australia in recent years, the identification of victim-survivors is increasingly embedded across service system responses. In contrast, while men using DFV often have diverse service system contact for co-occurring issues, their use of DFV is often not identified.

This mixed-methods study examines current screening and risk assessment practices for DFV perpetration in service systems that frequently encounter men who may be using DFV, including mental health, alcohol and other drug services, corrections and child protection services. Results show significant variation in screening and risk assessment practices and attitudes across service areas.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages18
JournalTrends & Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice
Issue number660
Publication statusPublished - 2023


  • domestic and family violence
  • Perpetrators
  • Screening and assessment

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