Discourse lines: visualising current policy and media storylines of opportunity and disadvantage with narrative exploration maps

Simon Angus, Satya Borgohain, Songhai Fan, Sarah Goodwin, Adrian Kristanto, Lachlan O'Neill, Helen C. Purchase, Nancy Van Nieuwenhove, Ying Yang, Yingqi Zhang, Tim Dwyer

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference PaperResearchpeer-review


Topics of disadvantage are often discussed in the media. The discourse
of disadvantage is multidimensional and has many intersecting
elements, with some issues more common than others (e.g. violence,
addiction), and some tending to co-occur, like human rights,
criminal justice, and health to name just a few common themes.
Here, we introduce and describe “Discourse Lines”, an online interactive
visualisation to discover which co-occurring disadvantage
issues are being discussed in the media, and which ones are left out and obscured. The visualisation presents an AI-assisted analysis of
news articles on topics of discourse. Our multi-scale architecture
metro map visualisation invites users to drill down from a topics
overview landing map to topic-specific metro maps until individual
news articles. This dynamic platform allows users to see how discourse
on topics of disadvantage unfolds and how news conflates or
separates various issues over time.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication2023 IEEE VIS Workshop on Exploring Research Opportunities for Natural Language, Text, and Data Visualization (NLVIZ)
EditorsVidya Setlur, Arjun Srinivasan
Place of PublicationPiscataway NJ USA
PublisherIEEE, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Number of pages7
Publication statusPublished - 2023
EventNLVIZ 2024: Exploring Research Opportunities for Natural Language, Text, and Data Visualization - Melbourne, Australia
Duration: 22 Oct 202327 Oct 2023


ConferenceNLVIZ 2024
Abbreviated titleNLVIZ 2024
Internet address


  • Human-centered computing
  • Visualization
  • Visualization design and evaluation methods

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