Digital interfacing: Action and perception through technology

Research output: Book/ReportBookResearchpeer-review


This book takes the interface – or rather to interface, a process rather than a discrete object or location – as a concept emblematic of our contemporary embodied relationship with technological artefacts. The fundamental question addressed by this book is: How can we understand what it means to perceive or act upon the world as a body-artefact assemblage? Black works to clarify the role of artefacts of all kinds in human perception and action, then considers the ways in which new digital technologies can expand and transform this capacity to change our mode of engagement with our environment. He grounds this discussion in specific technologies – some already familiar and some still in development (e.g. new virtual reality and light field technologies, natural user interfaces, etc.). In order to develop a detailed, generalizable theory of how we interface with technology, Black assembles an analytical toolkit from a number of different disciplines, including media theory, ethology, clinical psychology, cultural theory, philosophy, science and technology studies, cultural history, aesthetics and neuroscience.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationNew York NY USA
Number of pages204
ISBN (Electronic)9780429425172
ISBN (Print)9781138353886
Publication statusPublished - 2019

Publication series

NameRoutledge Studies in New Media and Cyberculture

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