Diffusion weighted imaging with trace diffusion weighted imaging, the apparent diffusion coefficient and exponential images in the diagnosis of spinal cord infarction

Benjamin K-T Tsang, Emma Foster, Anthony Kam, Elsdon Storey

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4 Citations (Scopus)


A 73-year-old man, with a history of hypertension and left supraclavicular fossa arteriovenous malformation with multiple previous uncomplicated vessel embolisation procedures, presented with acute spastic quadriparesis and urinary retention following upper limb angiography and embolisation. There was no evidence of preceding infection or neurological disease prior to the event. Cerebrospinal fluid analysis was unremarkable. MRI of the cervical spine with a 1.5 Tesla magnet performed 13 hours from symptom onset revealed bilateral paramedian intramedullary T2-weighted signal change without gadolinium enhancement limited to the grey matter with corresponding diffusion restriction extending from C5-6 down to the mid-T1. The diagnosis of cervical spinal cord infarction (SCI) was made and the patient was given regular aspirin and atorvastatin. On follow-up at 3 months, there was modest improvement with respect to his quadriparesis and was walking unaided. An extensive literature review on the role of MRI in SCI is discussed.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1630 - 1632
Number of pages3
JournalJournal of Clinical Neuroscience
Issue number11
Publication statusPublished - 2013

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