Differential effect of dark rearing on long-term potentiation induced by layer IV and white matter stimulation in rat visual cortex

Mahmoud Salami, Yaghoub Fathollahi, Saeed Semnanian, Nafiseh Atapour

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In the earlier work, we showed that primed-burst stimulation (PBs) is an effective protocol to induce long-term potentiation (LTP) in layer II/III of adult rat visual cortex in vitro. In the present study, we investigated effects of dark rearing on potentiation of layer II/III responses to stimulation of layer IV or the underlying white matter in the visual cortex in vitro. Long-term potentiation was induced by PBs applied to white matter or layer IV of the cortex in light and dark reared rats. Regardless of the stimulation site, layer II/III field potentials consisted of two components. In general, the latency of responses in dark reared rats was shorter than that in light reared ones. Whereas PBs of layer IV produced LTP of two components in both the groups, that of white matter induced an appreciable potentiation of the second component in both groups and the first component only in dark reared rats. These results indicate that PBs of either white matter or layer IV can gain access to the modifiable synapses that are related to the second component of layer II/III responses in light and dark reared visual cortex, but accessibility of the modifiable synapses that are related to first component depends on the tetanization site. The dark rearing enhances accessibility of the modifiable synapses that are related to the first component following PBs of the white matter. It is suggested that the immaturity of inhibitory circuits and/or better function of excitatory ones in the visual cortex of dark reared rats may contribute to the enhanced accessibility of the first component.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)349-356
Number of pages8
JournalNeuroscience Research
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2000


  • Dark rearing
  • Layer IV
  • Light rearing
  • Long-term potentiation
  • Primed-bursts stimulation
  • White matter

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