Development and configuration of service-oriented systems families

Bardia Mohabbati, Marek Hatala, Dragan Gašević, Mohsen Asadi, Marko Bošković

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference PaperResearchpeer-review

16 Citations (Scopus)


Software Product Lines (SPLs) are families of software systems which share a common sets of feature and are developed through common set of core assets in order to promotes software reusability, mass customization, reducing cost, time-to-market and improving the quality of the product. SPLs are sets (i.e., families) of software applications developed as a whole for a specific business domain. Particular applications are derived from software families by selecting the desired features through configuration process. Traditionally, SPLs are implemented with systematically developed components, shared by members of the SPLs and reused every time a new application is derived. In this paper, we propose an approach to the development and configuration of Service-Oriented SPLs in which services are used as reusable assets and building blocks of implementation. Our proposed approach also suggests prioritization of family features according to stakeholder's non-functional requirements (NFRs) and preferences. Priorities of NFRs are used to filter the most important features of the family, which is performed by Stratified Analytic Hierarchical Process (S-AHP). The priorities also are used further for the selection of appropriate services implementation for business processes realizing features. We apply Mixed Integer Linear Programming to find the optimal service selection within the constraints boundaries specified by stakeholders.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication26th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, SAC 2011
Number of pages8
Publication statusPublished - 23 Jun 2011
Externally publishedYes
EventACM Symposium on Applied Computing 2011 - Tunghai University, Taichung, Taiwan
Duration: 21 Mar 201124 Mar 2011
Conference number: 26th (Proceedings)


ConferenceACM Symposium on Applied Computing 2011
Abbreviated titleSAC 2011
Internet address


  • feature-oriented development
  • optimization
  • service selection
  • service-oriented architecture
  • software product line

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