Determination of the in vivo redox potential by one-wavelength spectro-microscopy of roGFP

Sebastian Wierer, Sebastien Peter, Kirstin Elgass, Hans-Georg Mack, Stefan Bieker, Alfred J J Meixner, Ulrike Zentgraf, Frank E Schleifenbaum

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10 Citations (Scopus)


For the quantitative analysis of molecular processes in living (plant) cells, such as the perception and processing of environmental and endogenous signals, new combinatorial approaches in optical and spectroscopic technologies are required and partly already became established in many fields of the life sciences. One hallmark of the in vivo analysis of cell biological processes is the use of visible fluorescent proteins to create fluorescent fusion proteins. Recent progress has been made in generating a redox-sensitive mutant of green fluorescent proteins (roGFP), which exhibits alterations in its spectral properties in response to changes in the redox state of the surrounding medium. An established method to probe the local redox potential using roGFP is based on a ratiometric protocol. This readout modality requires two excitation wavelengths, which makes the technique less suited for in vivo studies of e.g. dynamic samples. We clarify the origin of the redox sensitivity of roGFP by ab initio calculations, which reveal a changed protonation equilibrium of the chromophore in dependence on the redox potential. Based on this finding, we test and compare different spectroscopic readout modalities with single wavelength excitation to determine the local redox potential and apply these techniques to live cell analytics.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)737 - 744
Number of pages8
JournalAnalytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2012
Externally publishedYes

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