Determinants of male reproductive health disorders: The men in Australia telephone survey (MATeS)

Carol Holden, Robert I McLachlan, Marian Pitts, Robert Cumming, Gary Wittert, Jonathon Ehsani, David de Kretser, David Handelsman

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ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: The relationship between reproductive health disorders and lifestyle factors in middle-aged and older men is not clear. The aim of this study is to describe lifestyle and biomedical associations as possible causes of erectile dysfunction (ED), prostate disease (PD), lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) and perceived symptoms of androgen deficiency (pAD) in a representative population of middle-aged and older men, using the Men in Australia Telephone Survey (MATeS). METHODS: A representative sample (n=5990) of men aged 40+ years, stratified by age and State, was contacted by random selection of households, with an individual response rate of 78 . All men participated in a 20-minute computer-assisted telephone interview exploring general and reproductive health. Associations between male reproductive health disorders and lifestyle and biomedical factors were analysed using multivariate logistic regression (odds ratio [95 confidence interval]). Variables studied included age, body mass index, waist circumference, smoking, alcohol consumption, physical activity, co-morbid disease and medication use for hypertension, high cholesterol and symptoms of depression. RESULTS: Controlling for age and a range of lifestyle and co-morbid exposures, sedentary lifestyle and being underweight was associated with an increased likelihood of ED (1.4 [1.1-1.8]; 2.9 [1.5-5.8], respectively) and pAD (1.3 [1.1-1.7]; 2.7 [1.4-5.0], respectively).
Original languageEnglish
Article number96
Number of pages9
JournalBMC Public Health
Publication statusPublished - 2010

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