Detailed Case Studies

Tareq Abuimara, Attila Kopányi, Jean Rouleau, Ye Kang, Andrew Sonta, Ghadeer Derbas, Quan Jin, William O'brien, Burak Gunay, Juan Sebastián Carrizo, Viktor Bukovszki, András Reith, Louis Gosselin, Jenny Zhou, Thomas Dougherty, Rishee Jain, Karsten Voss, Tugcin Kirant Mitic, Holger Wallbaum

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter (Book)Otherpeer-review


Wireless body area networks (WBANs) are one of the key technologies that support the development of pervasive health monitoring (remote patient monitoring systems), which has attracted more attention in recent years. These WBAN applications requires stringent security requirements as they are concerned with human lives. In the recent scenario of the corona pandemic, where most of the healthcare providers are giving online services for treatment, DDoS attacks become the major threats over the internet. This chapter particularly focusses on detection of DDoS attack using machine learning algorithms over the healthcare environment. In the process of attack detection, the dataset is preprocessed. After preprocessing the dataset, the cleaned dataset is given to the popular classification algorithms in the area of machine learning namely, AdaBoost, J48, k-NN, JRip, Random Committee and Random Forest classifiers. Those algorithms are evaluated independently and the results are recorded. Results concluded that J48 outperform with accuracy of 99.98% with CICIDS dataset and random forest outperform with accuracy of 99.917, but it takes the longest model building time. Depending on the evaluation performance the appropriate classifier is selected for further DDoS detection at real-time.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationOccupant-Centric Simulation Aided Building Design
Subtitle of host publicationTheory, Application, and Case Studies
EditorsWilliam O'Brien, Farhang Tahmasebi
Place of PublicationNew York NY USA
PublisherCRC Press
Number of pages111
ISBN (Electronic)9781000865752
ISBN (Print)9781032420028
Publication statusPublished - 2023

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